Sock pop filter

Not exactly IKEA modding, since it's made of spares, but can be useful.

Cut the top of the Nan can
Get a stretched sock between the can and the closing lid
Tie the socks ends
Atach remaining pieces with glue or screws

1x moldable metal arm
1x general table grip
1x Nan milk powder can
1x glass woman sock

Cutlery drainer wall lamp

Drill the wall so you can fit 2 screws side by side (for stability)
Attach the drainer upside down
Get the lamp sleeve's wire through the center hole and wire it to the electricity (make sure electricity is off)

1x ORDNING 2,99€

1x Lamp sleeve easilly obtainable at a hardware or electronics shop for a few cents

Milk powder can suspended lamp

Drill a large enough hole on the bottom of the can to fit the plastic of the IKEA piece.
Drill several holes around the can for extra lighting
Decorate at will
Fit the IKEA piece

1x HEMMA 2,50€

1x NAN milk powder can (for free if you already have the baby)